Boeselburg Hall of Residence, Münster

Colourful student hall of residence in Münster

Boeselburg was inaugurated in 2014 as the biggest passive house residential complex in Europe. The developer, Studentenwerk Münster, offers living space for 535 students on an area of 18,000 square metres. The building that was replaced by the complex dated from 1972, with apartment layouts that were no longer in step with the times after 40 years.

Four polygonal residential buildings of identical design differ only in their conspicuous colours (red, green, yellow and blue). A large atrium, common rooms, an inn, kiosk, nursery and car park round off the complex.

Boeselburg was acclaimed for its planning in the Good Building Awards 2014 organised by BDA Münster-Münsterland.

Distinctively designed, impact-resistant BEGA ceiling and wall luminaires blend with the special features of the exceptional residential complex, providing efficient illumination for the house entrances.

LED wall luminaires with directed light arranged in rows ensure efficient and visually attractive illumination of corridors and passageways.

BEGA wall luminaires with directed light were also installed on the house façades. They effectively highlight the colourful buildings.

Client Studentenwerk Münster Architecture Kresings Architektur GmbH, Münster Lighting design Ingenieurbüro Klemm, Münster Supporting structure planning gwi Gantert + Wiemeler Ingenieurplanung, Münster Landscape architecture RMP Stephan Lenzen Landscape Architects, Bonn