Zhaga Book 18 Ed 3.0

Standaryzowany interfejs do czujników i modułów komunikacyjnych

Zhaga Book 18 Ed 3.0 combines the coordinated specifications of the Zhaga Consortium and the D4i specifications of the DALI Alliance – up to speed with the latest technological advances and ready for future developments in rapidly evolving digital network and sensor technology. The plug-and-play connectivity system makes it easy to add or update communication modules and sensors.

Easy control of street and footpath illumination

Luminaires with a Zhaga interface provide reliable illumination for areas such as streets or parks. Installing luminaires with a Zhaga Book 18 interface is an investment in the future: wireless control and monitoring is enabled by the use of communication modules. Retrofitting at a later date or subsequent replacement is easily possible.

Using luminaires with a Zhaga interface is the convenient and quick solution for the control of street and footpath illumination – for example online via the cloud:

  • For existing systems without DALI wires that require digital control

  • For existing systems and their luminaire connection boxes that are not suitable for retrofitting five-wire cables due to the maximum cable cross-section or for which extensive earthworks should be avoided

  • For new systems for which no local cable-bound network infrastructure can be established, or where this is not desired

  • For new systems for which no local Internet infrastructure for cloud-based control can be established, or where this is not desired

How does the standardised interface work?

  • Zhaga Book 18 Ed 3.0 specifies the mechanical, electrical and communications technology standard for the interface between a communication module or sensor and the luminaire electronics

  • The Zhaga D4i certification of our LED luminaires guarantees an electrified standardised jack and the use of power supply units that fulfil the D4i requirements

  • The communication between the communication module or sensor and the power supply unit of the luminaire is standardised and therefore works across different manufacturers

  • The luminaires can also be operated without a communications and/or sensor module – retrofitting is extremely easy

Moduły komunikacyjne

Komunikacja pomiędzy poszczególnymi oprawami i/lub systemem nadrzędnym odbywa się bezprzewodowo.

Specjalnie do kompatybilnych opraw masztowych opracowaliśmy Zhaga Air Connector . Dzięki temu każda oprawa może korzystać z funkcji IoT bez konieczności stosowania przewodu sterującego lub dostępu do Internetu na miejscu. Każdą oprawę z trzonkiem Zhaga Book 18 Ed 3.0 można zintegrować z BEGA Connect Cloud za pomocą Zhaga Air Connector – dosłownie w mgnieniu oka! Możliwe jest również połączenie z modułami czujników Zhaga.

Każde złącze Zhaga Air Connector reprezentuje własny punkt końcowy w chmurze BEGA Connect Cloud. Na platformie można zarządzać wszystkimi oprawami w ramach wspólnego systemu, kierując się tymi samymi zasadami automatyzacji.

Learn more about BEGA Connect

Light and motion sensors

The connectivity system makes it possible to add, exchange or upgrade sensor modules at any time independently of the manufacturer. Sensor configuration is carried out via the control system connected through the communications module.

Online in the blink of an eye – Installation of a Zhaga communication module

A screw cap protects against atmospheric influences when no module is in use.

The Zhaga interface is connected to the luminaire operating devices via two bidirectional data cables.

The Zhaga module is tightened by hand with light pressure onto the interface.